
Dolphin Studio 14.jpg

Why Pilates?

“The mind, when housed inside a healthful body,
possesses a glorious sense of power”
Joseph Pilates

Joesph Pilates introduced Pilates to America in the 1920s. Originally, it was used as a modality to help injured athletes and dancers return to the game or to the show safely. However, it was then adapted to suit the general population, and gained tremendous popularity in a relatively short time. Now, about 10 million Americans practice Pilates on a regular basis.

Pilates lengthens and strengthens all the major muscles in the body. Further, it enhances balance and proprioception. It also greatly improves concentration and focus, as well as overall mental strength. The inner fire is ignited, while you build a solid foundation of stability. Further, alignment of the spine is emphasized for improved posture and biomechanics.

“Every moment of our life can be the beginning of great things”
Joseph Pilates


Improved Posture

Improved Spinal Health

Improved Strength

Increased Body Awareness

Increased Will Power

Enhanced Balance

Enhanced Core Stability

Enhanced Proprioception

Greater Mental Strength

Improved Flexibility

Class Offerings:


8:00 AM — Pilates with Jenn

10:30 AM — Pilates with Jenn


8:00 AM — Pilates with Jenn

10:30 AM — Pilates with Jenn

6:30 PM — Pilates with Jenn

Frequently Asked Questions:

(1) Can anyone do Pilates?

Yes, Pilates is for everyone. Although the vast majority of people that practice Pilates is female, the male population can benefit greatly from this wellness modality. Core strength and stability benefits everyone, regardless of gender.

(2) What is the difference between Pilates and Yoga?

Pilates and Yoga are very similar, and they have a great deal of parallels between them. Both emphasize length and strength, as well as body awareness and breath. However, the breathing is very different between the two practices, and the primary focus for Pilates is core strength.

(3) What do I need for class?

You do not need anything for class. We have mats for you to use, as well as any props that will be utilized in class. However, we recommend that you bring some water.

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