Aerial Yoga

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We moved! Soon we will be offering Aerial Yoga again. Stay tuned while we get the Aerial Yoga Hammocks installed. Why Aerial Yoga?

“Your wings already exist. All you have to do is fly.”

Aerial Yoga was created in New York by Christopher Harrison. It has quickly gained a large following and some serious popularity. The practice of Aerial Yoga combines traditional Yoga with silks that are suspended from the ceiling. This helps to address several shortcomings of traditional Yoga and other popular wellness practices. Three of these issues are briefly discussed below. PLEASE REMOVE ALL JEWELRY for all Aerial Classes. Also, please make sure not to wear clothing with zippers in any & all Aerial classes.


Traditional Yoga does not incorporate movements that improve grip strength or pulling strength. These components of strength are often completely ignored. Instead, traditional Yoga only focuses on pushing strength. This leads to an imbalanced body, and imbalances in the body inevitably result in imbalances in your mind and reality.


Many people have a hard time letting go. Chronic stress is a major problem that leads to a myriad of health complications. Relaxation is the door to stress reduction, and letting go is the key to that door. The aerial silks support the body, allowing the mind to let go.


Perhaps one of the best reasons to practice Aerial Yoga is the inversion therapy imbedded into the practice. Many people can't hold a traditional Yoga inversion long enough to receive the associated benefits. However, the silks allow people to effortlessly practice inversions.

“Allow your dreams to take flight”


Improved Grip Strength

Improved Posture

Increased Upper Body Strength

Inversion Therapy

Nervous System Priming

Reduced Anxiety

Reduced Stress

Adrenal Fatigue Healing

Enhanced Proprioception

Enhanced Relaxation

Greater Body Confidence

Heightened Body Awareness

Improved Athleticism

Improved Circulation

Class Offerings:


9:15AM - Aerial Yoga for Mobility w/Jenn

6:30 PM — Aerial Yoga Flow with Alex

7:30 PM — Aerial Yoga Flow with Alex

6:30 PM - Aerial Yoga Flow with Alex


5:15 PM — Aerial Yoga Flow with Alex


7:30 PM — Aerial Yoga Flow with Alex


9:15 AM — Aerial Yoga for Mobility with Jenn
5:15 & 6:30 PM - Aerial Yoga with Lindsey (alternating times each week. See schedule for details)


10:00 AM — Aerial Yoga with Lindsey


5:15 PM — Aerial Yoga Nidra with Amanda

Frequently Asked Questions:

(1) I’ve never done Yoga. Can I start with Aerial Yoga?

Yes, many people practice Aerial Yoga before they practice Yoga on the ground. Whether you are on the ground or in the air, the principles of Yoga are the same. At Dolphin Studio Fitness & Wellness Center, we have seen many students begin with Aerial Yoga, then transition to Yoga on the ground. It doesn’t matter where you start. You just need to start. Please make sure to register online for all Aerial Yoga Classes. Also, for your protection, please remove all jewelry before any Aerial Yoga class.

(2) I get dizzy very easily. Can I still practice Aerial Yoga?

Yes, of course you can still practice Aerial Yoga. However, you want to emphasize one important principle — mindfulness. Make sure that you move slowly in and out of postures, especially anytime you bring the head below the heart. Another helpful hint is to utilize ginger. They even make ginger chews that are designed to help prevent dizziness.

(3) I don’t like to go upside-down. Is Aerial Yoga right for me?

Aerial Yoga is not all about going upside-down. Although inversion therapy is a powerful and healing part of the practice, it is not a necessary component. We know many students that do not practice inversions, but focus more on the other things that Aerial Yoga can do. Some of these things include opening the front of the body, strengthening the back of the body, and stress reduction.
The Aerial Yoga for MOBILITY classes have the least amount of choreographed inversions. In Aerial Yoga for Mobility, the emphasis is on holding poses longer and going for a deep stretch throughout the entire body, including shoulders, spine, core, and all four areas of the hips (glutes, hip flexors and quads, inner and outter thighs).

(4) What do I need for class?

You do not need anything for class. We have mats available for you to use, as well as any props that will be needed for class. However, we do recommend that you bring water. PLEASE REMOVE ALL JEWELRY prior to all Aerial Yoga Classes. Also, please make sure you wear clothing with no zippers in Aerial classes.
Must pre-register for classes online at

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